There is an ancient prophecy that originated by the tribes of the Amazon. It seems very appropriate today. According to the prophecy, human societies would split into two pathways; that of the Eagle and that of the Condor. The Eagle is the pathway of the mind, the industrial and the male. The Condor is the pathway of the heart, of intuition and the feminine.
The prophecy tells that around the year 1490, the pathway of the Eagle people would become so dominant that they would almost eliminate the Condor people. This was the period of the conquering of the Americas and destruction of the indigenous peoples. It was predicted that the reign of the Eagle would last 500 years.
The prophecy went on to say that about year, 1990, the potential would arise for the Eagle and Condor to come together, fly in the same sky and in doing so, raise the level of consciousness for all of humanity. Notice I said, potential?
So, what does this have to do with pet health care and our deep connection that we have for our pets? Have some patience, I will get to that.
It does not take a lot of imagination to see that this ancient prophecy has come true. The energy of the Eagle has become so dominant and established that as we begin to see the rising of the Condor energy, there becomes a great polarization of energy. Example of this are in the headlines of the news on a daily basis. Our political arena is a great example.
There is another transition that is occurring at this time that also needs to be brought to attention. Some call the transformation into a period called, post-truth. The Eagle energy has used intellectual information for so long that people in general are tired of being inundated with information. The Condor energy, one of feeling instead of thinking, is changing the way that people perceive things.
Again, look at politics here in the US. You can give either party all the facts that you can muster and most of them will ignore the facts and rely on emotion. They choose to hear what they want to hear. The old standard method of changing another person’s mind with factual information no longer works. This leaves us in a “stuck” pattern, unable to move forward. This is where the “potential” comes into play with the prophecy. We have to come up with a way in order to create harmony, in spite of diversification, if the Eagle and Condor are to fly together so that the consciousness of humanity will rise.
We do this by focusing on the heart instead of the mind. Now, does this surprise you? Not if you have been following me for a while. We find ways for the heart to guide us into a situation where we can connect from a heartfelt feeling and from that place, work with the other issues.
I recently heard the story of a study done with a large group of women that dealt with the topic of abortion. In the study, half of the group were strongly opposed to abortion, while the other half were strongly in favor of women’s rights to abortion. Now, our conditioned, rational mind would believe that this topic with strongly opposing opinions, would only lead to fearful reactions and negative results. Instead, these women, finding guidance from their hearts, realized that no woman wants to have to make the decision for having an abortion. The compassion from each person from both sides of the aisle allowed them to work together to find common ground. After the study was finished, the women not only found solutions but became friends and continued to stay in contact with one another.
Not long ago, my wife and I were walking our dogs in a nearby park. We came upon Bill, an older gentleman with a middle-aged black lab named Lily. Lily was full of energy and wanted to play with our dogs. We turned them loose and they ran and ran while all of us enjoyed their play. We visited with Bill for quite a while and our time together was wonderful. We said our goodbyes and promised to keep an eye out for each other in the future. A short time after leaving Bill, my wife asked me, “Did you see what was on his T-shirt?” I told her that I did not notice. She said, “Trump. Make America Great Again.” Although I am not a Trump supporter, I absolutely know that I will still continue to enjoy Bill’s company, no matter what his politics.
We have an opportunity to join together, all people, in hopes of helping humanity. We can do this by finding a loving, common ground to start with and building the relationship from there. Sort of like planting a seed in a fertile soil. Using our pets can be a great way to do that. We all love our pets, no matter if we are Eagles or Condors. If we connect with our hearts, using the love we have for our pets and being aware that that love is also in the other person’s heart, we have established the fertile ground for finding ways to bridge the gap of the polarization that we currently have.
Let your heart guide you. Be aware of the unconditional love that you have for your pet. Wear it on your sleeve, let it be in the words you say, the thoughts that you think and the action that you take. Maybe, our pets might be a key to brining the people back together again. Let’s hope so.