As of July 1, Dr. Dennis Thomas will be retired, no longer taking phone consultations. If you want to work with Dr. Thomas, you can join his private Facebook community, here:

Holistic Health Care for Pets
1707 E. 11th Ave, Spokane WA  99202

You love your pet, don’t you?

They are more than a pet to you. They are a member of your family, a constant companion who brightens a dark and dreary day. So, you want to take care of them. You want them to live a long, healthy, and happy life. You want to share early mornings curled up on the couch with your pet on your lap and long walks through the woods with them.

Unfortunately, if you are like most pet caretakers, you get just the opposite. Behavior problems, chronic conditions, debilitating allergies, and terrible diseases like cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, obesity, and so many others. With these problems come endless pills, invasive (and dangerous) procedures, treatments that do more harm than good, and often death.

After two decades of being stuck in the quagmire of conventional western medicine, I began to search for better options for my many patients. Eventually, I turned to traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, veterinary acupuncture, and Chinese herbal remedies and began to see miracles happen. Paralyzed dogs miraculously started walking again,  cats with the death sentence of kidney disease were healed, and thousands of pets have gotten a new lease on life-with, many living 3, 4, or even 5 years longer than any conventional veterinarian predicted.


Step 1: Schedule Your Phone Consultation

For fast, comprehensive, and detailed answers to the most complicated questions, call 509-214-2676 to schedule your phone consultation today. If you have access to your phone, I can help no matter where you live. Call or click the button below to schedule your phone consultation.

Step 2: Join our Community

Take control of your pet's health by joining the Heart-to-Heart Community. Heart-to-Heart is a growing community of dedicated and empowered people who work together in support and awareness of the benefits of group participation in the Heart 2 Heart Holistic Community. Detailed help and expertise on how to help your pet live their best life delivered to you daily.

Step 3: Learn about Holistic Veterinary Medicine.

I've distilled the most important lessons of more than 40 years of veterinary practice into several simple, easy-to-understand, and engaging self-paced online classes. Learn how YOU can solve your pet's healthcare problems the natural way. Each course comes with lifetime access for one low price.

” Dr. Thomas is extremely knowledgeable, gentle and kind. The whole family is learning a new approach to health as we have watched Abbey’s progress.” 

-Nancy W.

Looking for natural supplements for your pet's health problem? I've compiled a list of specifically curated natural supplements for your dog or cat.

Finding Dr. Thomas amounts to a miracle.  Our dog, Marlowe, is a chihuahua/pug mix.  One day she gradually lost the use of her back legs. She had deep paralysis of the back portion of her body.  They gave me two choices: do nothing or pay 3-5 thousand dollars on surgery without any guarantees. The next day a friend mentioned Dr. Thomas.  I went, and he treated my dog.  Four treatments later, my dog was walking. I cannot find the words to say how grateful I am that we have a veterinarian who understands the world of alternative medicine as deeply as Dr. Thomas does.  Marlowe is grateful too.

-Denise L

Want to schedule your phone consultation now?

See some of my clients!