What did Einstein mean when he said that matter is energy? How does it apply to pet health care? That is what today’s blog is all about.
From the time of Isaac Newton, we have been led to believe that matter is stable, dense and predictable.
The human body, since that time, was assumed to be made purely of matter. In fact, our entire health care system is based on this perspective. This is the “scientific proof” that medicine falls back on when they are suspicious of other perspectives.
While we can’t overlook the great accomplishments that have resulted from this scientific knowledge, today science is taking us in a different direction. Physics has helped to explain things explainable by the laws of the material world. The discovery of quantum physics in the 1950s paved the way to new ways of explaining life and everything began to change. This new science explained that there is life in what they called “the subatomic world.”
Material scientists believed that a physical body in its smallest component, the atom, was made up largely of empty space. Today, we know that that this “empty space” is an energetic field vital in the particle’s function. Even the particles themselves are composed of energy. As Einstein said, “Everything is energy.” This includes the physical body.
For conventional medicine the material body is composed of tissues and organs, made of atoms. Unfortunately, it stops there. Conventional medicine does not acknowledge that there is an energetic component of the physical body, because it only recognizes Newtonian Physics. This means that all understandings of how the body works, why it gets sick and what is required for healing, are based solely on the laws of the material world. This is why surgery and pills are the primary methods of treatment used in conventional medicine. They address the needs of the physical body.
Even though conventional medicine has put its head in the sand, research into quantum physics and its effects on the material world has continued. Dr. Bruce Lipton, cell biologist at Stanford Medical School proved that the body cells are 100 times more responsive to subtle energy than to chemicals and that there are energy receptors found in every cell membrane in the body that allows the subtle energy to move into the cells, where it influences the cell DNA to direct cell function.
The question that we need to be asking is “If the body requires normal cell function for good health and the cell requires normal subtle energy for normal function, why does medicine ignore this fact?” No one seems to know, though the enormous power wielded by the pharmaceutical industry plays a significant role.
Unfortunately, most conventional human and veterinary doctors, refuse to move outside their comfort zone and use the excuse that energetic-based modalities are not “scientifically proven.” That is: proven by the laws of Newtonian Physics that only partially explain the material world. Explaining quantum physics using the laws of Newtonian Physics is like trying to play chess using the rules of checkers. It is impossible.
What does this mean for pet health care?
First, we recognize the limitations of health care based solely on the material, physical body. When a veterinarian explains to you that your pet is sick, this is why and this is what needs to be done, remember that the veterinarian is saying that his perspective is solely based on the body being a material body. Second, if the options that you are given seem harsh or unacceptable, then empower yourself to think beyond the limitations that you have been given. Find someone that understands the importance of subtle energy and its effects on the body.
Subtle energy modalities are the foundation of alternative modalities such as acupuncture, homeopathy, Reiki and biofeedback. For thousands of years, the Chinese understood the relationship between subtle energy and the body function, it is the same today. Modern practitioners like me are getting the same results that people were getting thousands of years ago. Herbal therapy, essential oils and flower remedies use vital energy to balance harmful subtle energy which alters cellular function.
As responsible pet caretakers, we must empower ourselves to move beyond the limitations of conventional medicine and we need to work with people who have chosen to move beyond those limitations as well. As we do the people who control the conventional approach to health care will need to respond. Then, we can move forward on new pathways for perfect health and wellbeing.
What about you? Can you think of a time when the energy you brought into a room affected those around you? Did it affect your pet? Leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you.
Next time, we begin to look at how to take care of the body from a holistic perspective. Until then.