The last time we visited, I discussed my transition into being a holistic veterinarian. I told the story of my beloved dog Lucy and the incredible success of acupuncture on a dog with persistent seizures. One thing that I passionately believe is that this life isn’t just for veterinarians.
I want you to see that YOU can begin integrate holistic pet care into your life to empower yourself for your pet.
Just yesterday I received a call from another veterinarian asking for additional options for treating a patient of hers with terminal cancer. I gave her some options but later she called me back and told me that her client said that she didn’t believe in alternative medicine and that she was not interested in pursuing it. Why? She had old conditioned patterns that limited her beliefs and created barriers for change.
How do we eliminate these barriers to change? We start with an understanding about what “holistic” means. Basically, “holistic” means expanded awareness.
Imagine that you spent your life looking through a soda straw. Everywhere you went, everything you saw, was through that straw. In time, you would come to believe that your world was nothing more than what you perceived through that straw.
Now, imagine taking the straw down and seeing your world. Your world would dramatically expand. You would see how the objects of your world co-exist and how the world is more than the sum of its parts. You would notice that all the parts of this beautiful and vast world depend on the other parts and that without this inter-dependence, nothing could function properly.
The conventional approach to pet health care is like looking through the soda straw. We have become so laser focused on attempting to understand how the body works that we forget about the inter-connectedness that the body has with its surroundings and the vital role it plays in overall health.
My purpose is twofold. I help you break through the barriers that have been created by the conventional approach to health care and guide you down a new pathway that will allow your pet to thrive, with perfect health and well-being.
It took me over thirty years to learn this but I want to help you get there in days or weeks.
Veterinary medicine is based on the science of predictability, linear thinking, and cause and effect. From the time that they enter veterinary school, veterinarians depend on a problem-solving approach to pet health care. Relying exclusively on intellectual thinking is like looking through the soda straw.
Our intuitive mind and its ability to guide us in a non-linear, holistic perspective significantly expands our ability to direct health care. Our intuitive mind allows us to understand how things connect. It opens our minds and breaches the limitations of intellectual thought. We must have that part of our mind functioning if we are to see things more holistically.
There are times when an emotional crisis occurs that is so intense that the intellectual mind cannot grasp the situation or figure out how to resolve it. At that moment, the intuitive mind can break through and provide the needed guidance. However, we don’t need to wait until a crisis occurs to utilize the intuitive mind’s guidance.
Unfortunately, our brain cannot function from both places at the same time and the intellectual mind has dominance over the intuitive, like one person shouting in one ear while another person is whispering in your other ear. For us to hear our intuitive mind for guidance, we must quiet the nonstop mind chatter that goes on with the intellectual mind. This occurs all too frequently in dealing with health care. The standard veterinarian, is incapable of tapping into the intuitive mind that is absolutely required for full awareness because of their reliance on the dominant intellectual mind. Without the intuitive mind’s guidance, the patient becomes a problem that the intellectual mind needs to solve.
Who is your pet? Is she a collection of cells, tissues and organs? Yes, but you are keenly aware that she is much more than that. This is a holistic understanding that a living, breathing individual is much more than the sum of its parts. We cannot ignore this truth when we are dealing with health care.
When we begin to use our balanced mind, we open pathways of understanding that will allow us to move forward with little resistance and align ourselves with a lifestyle that is perfect for health and wellbeing, for our pets and ourselves.
The next time we visit, I will start by taking a look at the body and how a more holistic approach to understanding its function will greatly reduce the limitations that we have come to know and to expect, while creating the opportunity to obtain perfect health and wellbeing. Until then.
How about you? Does your current veterinarian see your pet as a whole and integrated being whose natural state is perfect health, or do they see them a simply a collection of cells with problems that need to be solved? How does that make you feel? Which approach serves the wellbeing of your pet better?
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