When we look at health care from a holistic perspective, we consider everything that has an effect on our health. Color is no exception. Have you ever imagined why you don’t like a particular color while being fond of another color? Remember the old movie, Steel Magnolias, when Julia Roberts said, “Pink is my signature color.”
Colors have specific vibrations and these vibrations react with the energetic vibrations of the body and over extended periods of time, can affect the health of the individual. This happens in pets and people because we are all energetic in nature.
A great example that I have seen over the years in my office are the number of pets who had seizures that wore red collars. The vibration of the color red aggravates the energy of the liver and liver yang imbalance is the most common cause of seizures. Red also drives energy and blood to the brain and if the brain is on overdrive, then it doesn’t need anymore stimulation. Often, just changing the color of their collar will often reduce the frequency of the seizures. I know a holistic vet that keeps a variety of colored towels to use on the treatment table and selects the color according to the pets health situation.
Knowing which colors will help or hinder health issues can be enormously helpful. Unfortunately, conventional medicine doesn’t recognize the physical body as an energetic body, so it only concentrates on the effects of form. We all know how long-term emotional patterns such as stress or depression can affect our health. No difference with color wave patterns; energy is energy.
Let’s take a look at some of the major colors in our environment and see how they affect our health (and our pets).
- Red: Red has the lowest vibration on the color scale. It can often be helpful with reducing the higher vibration associated with inflammation, especially if it is acute. It stimulates the heart and vascular system, the liver, autonomic nervous system, strengthens the blood and increases the blood flow to the brain. It would help health issues such as cognitive dysfunction (dementia), stroke, heart disease such as valvular problems and myopathies and blood deficiencies such as chronic anemia.
- Orange: The color orange has a major effect on the lungs and thyroid as it increases blood and energy flow to each of these organs. It is also good for muscle cramps and convulsions. Orange can benefit the skin, especially with damp dermatitis. Health situations that could benefit from this color would be; asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis with cough, skin infections that have dampness, hypothyroidism and suppressing parathyroid over-activity.
- Yellow: This color has its major effects on the gastrointestinal system. It influences the pancreas, stomach, liver and gall bladder (both considered organs associated with the GI tract). Any surprise that bile is yellow and that the color of the tissues turn yellow with liver and gall bladder disease? It benefits digestion and utilization of nutrition, increases appetite, increases lymph flow and benefits the lymph organs, benefits sluggishness from food movement through the stomach and intestine to paralysis of the nervous system. It strengthens heart and has been known to eliminate excess calcium and lime deposits in the body causing rheumatoid arthritis. Health benefits would include; paralysis and paresis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, gall bladder disease, bowel function and improving vision.
- Green: Green is considered the master color as it often modulates imbalances, meaning bringing them back into balance. It is known for its improving overall wellbeing, acute and chronic conditions. Green stimulates the brain and digestive system, dissolves blood clots, reduces twitching and seizures, helps fight infection and promotes overall healing. Health implications would include: infections, cancer, stroke, dementia, memory, seizures and gastrointestinal function.
- Blue: This is the color associated with the throat area, including the thyroid, parathyroid, mouth, tonsils, throat and lungs. It has a major influence on the skin. It is known for its anti-bacteria benefits, shrinking tumors, reducing weight, healing skin infections and itching, burns, sores and other skin maladies. It is also benefits sleep patterns.
- Violet: Violet has been known to stimulate hormonal activity, particularly the thyroid. Paradoxically, it is know to suppress any part of the body that is over-active except for the spleen and parathyroid. It is considered a great immune enhancer, calming nervous over-activity and suppressing cardiovascular function such as hypertension. It strengthens the spleen to do its job cleansing the blood before returning to the heart. Violet has been known to suppress an over-active appetite and is good for providing deep sleep.
- Other colors: Indigo- Benefits eyes, ears and nose problems, strong antibiotic benefits, astringent for the skin, stops bleeding and relieves pain. Magenta- Has been known to benefit the heart and blood pressure and strengthens kidney and adrenal function. Baker-Miller pink- Mostly known for its calming effects, reducing anxiety and stress and eliminating aggression.
You might want to take a look at the colors that your pet wears, sleeps on, etc. They may be affecting its health. Same goes for you.